Mission Statement

Why have a mission statement?  As a family of Christ-followers, it is important that we have an overview statement that describes the unique calling we feel God has tumblr_mve3mr27d41st5lhmo1_1280 for our church within our community.  Our leadership periodically reviews our Mission Statement as a mechanism to see if we continue to sense the same calling, or if God is calling us to something else.  We consider our Mission Statement to be a living document, intended to change as we feel God calling us to stay in step with Him.

Our goal is to be constantly within God’s will for Crossbridge and we use our Mission Statement to evaluate all our activities and verify that they are in line with the mission to effectively steward the resources God has entrusted to us for His glory.


Our current Mission Statement is:

  • Reach out into the community and love people with the good news of Jesus Christ

  • Welcome people who come to faith in Christ as their personal Lord and Savior into our faith family

  • Disciple Christ followers to prepare them to grow and mature in their faith and walk with Christ, equip them for kingdom service, so that they may finish this life well